December 2, 2019/Press
NC Democrats Announce Opening of DNC Delegate Selection Process
Raleigh – Over the weekend, the North Carolina Democratic Party opened the 2020 DNC Delegate Selection Process, a process for selecting North Carolina delegates to attend the 2020 Democratic National Convention. The full North Carolina Delegate Selection Plan, including application, is available online here:
North Carolina has the 10th largest delegation in the nation, with 122 voting members. All but 12 of the delegates will be pledged to a candidate and the number allocated to each candidate is based upon the results of the “Super Tuesday” March 3, 2020, Presidential Primary Election.
Seventy-two (72) delegates representing each congressional district will be elected at District Conventions on April 25, 2020. Twenty-four (24) At-Large Delegates, 14 Pledged Party Leader and Elected Official (PLEO) Delegates, and nine alternates will be elected at the State Convention on June 6, 2020. The remaining 12 delegates are Automatic Delegates, such as DNC members, Democratic members of Congress, and the Governor.
To become a delegate, voters must be a registered Democrat, submit a notice of candidacy, and engage with the party to actively seek support for their candidacy. Any registered Democrat is eligible to apply. The Delegate Selection Plan outlines a process for electing an equal number of men and women and includes representation goals for African-American, Latino, Native American, AAPI, LGBTQ+, young (under 35), senior (over 65) and veteran delegates, as well as delegates with disabilities.
The complete North Carolina Delegate Selection Plan is available here, along with information about upcoming online information sessions on the selection process.