July 11, 2022/Media, Press

ICYMI: Meet an anti-gun safety Senate candidate: Ted Budd

In the wake of tragic mass shootings across the country and following the passage of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, reporting out today scrutinizes U.S. Senate candidate Congressman Budd’s record on gun safety.

Spoiler alert: it’s bad.

A gun shop owner, the report notes that Budd has more of an interest in enriching himself than protecting and saving lives through common-sense and bipartisan gun safety legislation. He has  consistently voted against legislation that would require background checks to purchase a firearm, enact red flag laws to keep guns out of the hands of people who would be harmful to themselves or others, and provide resources to hire more school resource officers – all while taking money from the NRA.

Read more: 

American Independent: Meet an anti-gun safety Senate candidate: Ted Budd
