April 9, 2022/Media, Press

Ahead Of Trump Visit, GOP #NCSEN Primary Chaos Ramps Up

With Former President Trump set to visit Selma, North Carolina, today, Republican candidates for U.S. Senate are ramping up the nasty infighting.

Catch up on the latest chaos: 

  • On a radio show yesterday, Trump called McCrory the “bathroom governor” referencing HB2, legislation that cost North Carolina billions of dollars in business and ultimately tanked McCrory’s gubernatorial campaign. Reporting also noted that McCrory admitted on his radio show in 2020 that he told Trump to “stay out of” HB2 ahead of the 2016 election, saying: “I didn’t want those same forces to go against the president.” It’s been a “hard week” for McCrory after falling behind in recent polling and now bracing for more incoming attacks from Trump’s speech this evening.
  • Mark Walker, who was snubbed for the endorsement, continues to claim that Trump got “bad counsel” and “hitched his wagon to the wrong horse.” 
  • Ted Budd is getting slammed by all sides, including McCrory’s new digital ads calling him an “embarrassment” and tying him to “one of the most controversial men in North Carolina politics: Rep. Madison Cawthorn,” and a Mark Walker Super PAC’s mass texting scheme naming him “Biden’s Buddy” for acknowledging Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election. 

With commentators emphasizing that “North Carolina is a really important proxy for this general conflict that’s going on in the national Republican Party,” Trump is only going to intensify this nightmare of a primary for North Carlina Republicans.  

