July 19, 2021/Media, Press

Republican Senate Candidates Oppose Extending Tax Cut For Middle Class Families

Last week, North Carolina families received their first monthly Child Tax Credit payment of up to $300 thanks to President Biden and Democrats championing the American Rescue Plan. The tax cut will help working families pay for things like child care, groceries, and bills, boosting the economy and making it easier for parents to get back to work. But when asked by the News & Observer, all three of the leading GOP Senate candidates — Congressman Ted Budd, former governor Pat McCrory, and former Congressman Mark Walker — “did not endorse making the expanded credit permanent.” 

“Middle class families across North Carolina are getting a tax cut thanks to the strong leadership of President Biden and Democrats, and parents are elated,” said NCDP spokeswoman Kate Frauenfelder. “If Republican Senate candidates had it their way, North Carolina parents would not be receiving the critical relief they need to get back to work and take care of their children.”

In North Carolina, the expanded Child Tax Credit will:

  • Be provided to the families of nearly 2 million children in North Carolina.
  • Is expected to lift 137,000 children out of poverty in North Carolina.
  • Provide monthly payments of $300 to the families for each child under 6 years old.
  • Provide monthly payments of $250 to the families for each child between ages 6 and 17.
