Today, North Carolina Democratic Party Chair Dr. Bobbie Richardson released the following statement in commemoration of Women’s Equality Day:
“It was on this day, 102 years ago, that women across this great nation achieved the first of many hard-won victories in their fight for equality with the adoption of the 19th Amendment. As women come together across the nation today to commemorate this moment in history and reflect on its significance in our lives, it is critical to recognize that not all women were granted suffrage that day. Women of color fought for decades more to gain voting rights.
“Today, these inequalities persist as regressive politicians continuously seek to divide us in our fight for equal rights for all women. This year is the first year in decades that women born today have less rights than their mothers had — that is inexcusable. Now is the time for us all to stand in unity to right this wrong and work for a more just future for generations of women to come.”