July 9, 2020/Press
North Carolina House Democrats Prevent Dangerous Legislation Through Sustaining Veto Votes
Yesterday, North Carolina House Democrats voted to sustain three of Governor Cooper’s vetoes of dangerous and unnecessary Republican-backed legislation. Additionally, three other vetoes were not even voted on and, as a result, still stand. The six vetoes protected important gun safety measures, laws to protect our most vulnerable citizens, and prevented re-opening of dangerous gatherings which would accelerate the spread of COVID-19.
North Carolina House Democratic Leader Darren Jackson released the following statement:
“Yesterday’s developments underline just how critical Democratic legislative victories were in 2018. Especially in this moment of crisis, our state needs measured, steady leadership, not the toxic agenda voters rejected when they broke the Republican supermajority two years ago. House Democrats will stand strong against Republican efforts to ram through dangerous, ideological legislation that puts the public at risk.”