Members of a White Supremacist Group Came Together to Promote Racism over the Weekend, Reps Ridell and Ross Have Been Silent
ALAMANCE – Over the weekend, a grassroots Trump rally quickly devolved into a white power rally with supporters of President Donald Trump audibly shouting “f— Black lives” and “white power” during a parade through Alamance County.
Representatives Dennis Riddell and Stephen Ross have since been silent and failed to denounce the obvious racism and hate presented at this event.
“Members of our community should never stand for hate or division; our representatives shouldn’t either.” said Eric Henry, Democratic Nominee for House District 64. “Our Representatives took an oath to protect and serve. Rep Riddell should publicly denounce this hate and make a commitment to represent everyone in Alamance County.”
If Representatives Ridell and Ross do not support the values presented here, they should quickly and publicly denounce them.
“I am not here to make a judgement on what is in Rep. Ross’s heart, but if he can’t bring himself to fully and clearly condemn this racism he is not fit to serve our community,” said Ricky Hurtado, Democratic nominee for House District 63. “There is absolutely no place for racism in Alamance County; unfortunately Stephen Ross doesn’t seem to agree.”