October 2, 2020/Media
Final #NCSen Debate Shows Why Thom Tillis Must Go
North Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Wayne Goodwin released the following statement after Cal Cunningham’s decisive victory during the third and final North Carolina Senate debate:
“Congratulations to Cal for yet another decisive win and for showing North Carolinians what a Senator who will look out for them, not their corporate special interest backers, looks like.
“Over the last few days, we’ve seen first hand why Senator Tillis must go. He’s promised to rubber stamp a Supreme Court nominee who could decide the future of our health care and has been hostile to the benefits North Carolinians with pre-existing conditions depend on it. He tried – and failed – to push a sham health care bill that is more about protecting himself than it is about protecting patients. Just today, he voted in support of his party’s reckless lawsuit to upend every North Carolinians’ health care and make health more expensive and out of reach for folks with cancer, diabetes, and other pre-existing conditions.
“Senator Tillis has done it all because he puts Thom Tillis – and the special interests who fund his campaign – before the needs of North Carolina. We can’t wait to replace him in 34 days.”