April 28, 2020/Press
ADVISORY: NC House Democrats to Host Press Call about HB 1040, Healthcare for Working North Carolinians
Raleigh – As the legislature returns this week, House Democrats will host a Digital Press Call to feature the primary sponsors of HB 1040, Healthcare for Working North Carolinians. Representatives James Gailliard (D-25), Sydney Batch (D-37), Scott Brewer (D-66) and Christy Clark (D-98) will speak about the importance of expanding Medicaid and answer questions about the legislation.
Expanding Medicaid would help insure more than a half a million North Carolinians who need it most now amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Numerous reports have found that expanding Medicaid would not only benefit every county in North Carolina but reduce the chances of a rural hospital closing by 62 percent.
To request media credentials for the event, please fill out THIS FORM by noon on Wednesday, April 29.
- Representative James Gailliard (D-25)
- Representative Sydney Batch (D-37)
- Representative Scott Brewer (D-66)
- Representative Christy Clark (D-98)
WHEN: Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 1:30 PM
WHERE: Zoom (Video Calling Platform), a link will be emailed to you
- If you are interested in attending, please fill out THIS FORM by noon on Wednesday, April 29. If you are approved, you will receive a Zoom registration link.
- Representatives will take questions on the call.
To request media credentials for the event, please fill out THIS FORM by noon on Wednesday, April 29.