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Hurricane Resources

We’ve compiled a list of resources to help you stay safe. Please use and share with those affected.

Always listen to the authorities and closely monitor your local weather service.


Preparing Before the Storm: 

  • Prepare in case you lose power.
  • Put fuel in all your vehicles and withdraw some cash from the bank. Gas stations and ATMs may be closed.
  • Gather your emergency supply kits with enough bottled water and non-perishable food to sustain each family member for three to seven days.
  • Include a weather radio, flashlight, extra batteries, toiletries, change of clothes, blankets or sleeping bag, rain gear and appropriate footwear. Also include your cell phone chargers, prescription medicines, copies of important documents, such as birth certificates and insurance policies.
  • Know your evacuation route, and find out where friends and loved ones will be and how to get in touch with them.
  • Plan for your pets. Gather supplies for your pets and put them in an easily-accessible container.
  • Prepare your home. Clean out gutters and clear property of debris that could damage buildings in strong winds.
  • Stay tuned to local news for the latest advisories from the National Weather Service and National Hurricane Center (NHC), as well as state and local emergency management officials.


How to Stay Updated


Keeping Food Safe After Power Outages

  • Your food should be safe as long as power is out no more than 4 hours
  • Keep the door closed as much as possible
  • Discard any perishable food (such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and leftovers) that have been above 40 degrees F for over 2 hours

Clean Up and Disaster Assistance

  • Disinfect items that touch floodwaters: 1 cup bleach/5 gallons CLEAN water. Dispose of whatever cannot be washed.
  • If cans have come in contact with floodwater or storm water, remove the labels, wash the cans, and dip them in the bleach/water solution. Re-label the cans with a marker.
  • Food containers with screw-caps, snap-lids, crimped caps (soda pop bottles), twist caps, flip tops, snap-open, and home canned foods should be discarded if they have come into contact with floodwater because they cannot be disinfected.
  • If you need to report disaster assistance, please visit DisasterAssistance.Gov. 

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